BLOG 2013


With ten pubs to cover it was going to be a busy day, the photographs are to show a mix of the pubs interiors covering bar, conference rooms and restaurant as they have recently been renovated. So long esposures and all tripod mounted shots were generally the order of the day. A lot of the interiors are lit with warm lighting and the interiors lend to that typical english public house setting on a cold winters day. The end images are just cooled down a little on the RAW files and a very subtle HDR filter is placed over the top just to lift detail and shadow in some of the shots. The bonus of using the live view is that you can see exactly what the end result is going to look like and adjust accordingly in camera.

As the afternoon light started to fade and the rain eased off the pub exteriors were taken at dusk, the ones that worked really well were in the busy roads as cars driving by created some traffic trails which added a bit of life to the images and drama. Again 25-30 second exposures low ISO and apertures at F16+. The day finished at 10pm and including the travel a 12 hour shoot came to an end, a really busy day but with the winter closing in busy bars and traffic made the photos.