BLOG 2013


Owner Robert Bryer is a keen photographer and attended one of my Digital camera training courses in Canterbury last year, with his photography skills he is now putting this to good use when he photographs properties across Kent and wanted the rest of his staff to follow suit so that the website maintains a consistency in good property photography. After reviewing Rob's competitors it seems a very poor area on estate agents that they are using compact cameras with he flash on and generally sub standard photos, amazing when you are selling houses hundreds of thousand pounds. The course was based on my ever successful Digital SLR course but aimed mainly at property photography, interior and exterior.

After we had gone through the mix of Canon and Nikon SLR's that the five staff had we then visited a large detached property that had just come on the books at the Good Estate Agent. This was an ideal chance to put the theory in to practice and use the natural light available, camera tripod bound and using long exposures to create bright naturally lit property photographs.

If you are interested company photography training courses, one to ones then please do not hesitate to contact me. My next Digital photography course is on Saturday 19th October in Canterbury, priced at £95. Further information can be found on the Training page.