BLOG 2013


Broad Oak Mini is part family run car dealership group Barretts of Canterbury who have been an automotive dealer for over one hundred years now, there is also a second branch in Canterbury. The showroom has doubled in size and has a larger showroom for the current seven car line up, executive lounge for its customers, a purpose built handover bay for new car collections plus a wealth of Mini accessories on display.

The interior and exterior photographs were taken with the 17-40mm lens along with a polarising filter, this reduces any glare and also adds a pinch of contrast to the range of cars on display, plus it minimises any reflections. The interior photographs were taken tripod mounted as some of the exposures were between 10-15 seconds, mainly due to the vast expanse of black walls and ceilings soaking up the surrounding light. The great thing with the black interior is that the cars really stand out with the atmospheric lighting strategically placed above the cars. The shoot ended up with the 24-70mm lens as I covered a mixture of abstract photos which will be used for the website and some possible artwork.