BLOG 2013


The story was originally made famous by the big screen adaptation starring Jack Nicholson and Michelle Pfieffer. This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Josef Weinberger Ltd. on behalf of Music Theatre International and Cameron Mackintosh Ltd. I had seen the film many years ago so it was always going to be interesting to see how the students portrayed some of the best actors around, especially the lead role of Jack Nicholson. The show didn't disappoint with some outrageously over the top performances which showed the talents of all of the students from UCF.

I have covered a few events at the Quarterhouse so know the set up well, the only contention was going to be the ever changing lighting due to the nature of the play. A lot of bright red lighting was used to put the Devil in his environment, the great advantage of shooting in RAW is that under exposed files can be lifted and the trie colours come out in post production, I was mainly in manual mode due to the contrast of lighting conditions throughout the performance, ISO 1600 worked well at F2.8 giving me shutter speeds of around 1/80th of a second plus. I thoruoghly recommend the play and the dates are Wednesday 12th June to Saturday 15th June at the Quarterhouse in Folkestone, Kent.